Red eye, or bloodshot eyes, may look scary and feel incredibly uncomfortable; however, it is a common eye disorder seen by ophthalmologists. Redness in the eyes results from swollen and inflamed blood vessels near the eye's surface. Most of the time, this condition is nothing to worry about, but it can help see an “ophthalmologist near me” to determine the severity of the red-eye condition.

We at Thyroid Eyes - Eye Wellness Centers in Bellaire, TX, treat common causes of red-eye, offering various treatments and sharing information for at-home remedies to help prevent red eyes. Our eye doctor can provide an eye exam to help provide ophthalmology eye care for dry eye, cornea infammation, and more.

Common Causes of Red and Dry Eye? 

Allergies affect many people and are one of the leading causes of cornea infammation. The body's natural healing responses overreact to fight allergies, such as pet dander, grass, weeds, and pollen. As a result, allergies can cause redness, tearing, and itching in both eyes. Other causes of the dry and red-eye syndrome include lack of sleep, too much screen time, poor lighting, over-wearing contacts, and environmental conditions, such as dry weather, wind, or smoke. Some people who drink too much alcohol may also experience red eyes as the alcohol can limit the oxygen that gets to the eye.

Additionally, viral conjunctivitis, bacterial conjunctivitis, excessive rubbing of the eyes, trauma, or medications, such as blood thinners, can also cause the eyes to appear red.

When Should You Seek Medical Care for Red-Eye Treatment?

Some symptoms associated with red eyes may require seeing an “ophthalmologist near me.” If you experience symptoms, such as severe headaches, pain, vomiting, fever, swelling, inability to open the eye, sticky secretions, and unusual sensitivity to light, it may a good idea to call and talk with your eye doctor. Additionally, if the red eyes result from an injury or trauma to the eye, it may be a good idea to seek immediate medical attention.

Get Dry Eye and Cornea Inflammation Treatment from Our Ophthalmologist

If you need red eye treatment, look for an “ophthalmologist near me” to have an eye exam and start eye care for red and dry eye. If the red-eye results from cornea inflammation, our eye doctor can help provide thorough ophthalmology eye care. Call us at (713) 478-9123 for Thyroid Eyes - Eye Wellness Centers in Bellaire, TX, to schedule an eye exam for dry eye and red eye treatment.


Hours of Operation


9:00 am - 4:00 pm


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9:00 am - 4:00 pm


9:00 am - 4:00 pm





9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm