Dry Eye FAQ

Dry eye syndrome is a condition that impacts the eye's ability to produce tears and remain lubricated. To be functional, the eye must remain lubricated. Dry eye syndrome causes the eye to feel scratchy and uncomfortable. At Thyroid Eyes in Bellaire, TX, we have treated dry eye for many years.

Dry Eye FAQ

What Causes Dry Eye?

There are many reasons why a person may develop dry eye syndrome. Sometimes, dry eye is the result of the eye not being able to produce enough tears. This can be from a damaged or malfunctioning tear duct. In other cases, the eye might not be able to produce quality tears. Sometimes, the balance of water, oil, and mucus in the tear is off.

Dry eye syndrome can develop as a person ages or due to an injury to the eye or tear duct. Environmental factors can also contribute to dry eye. Playing certain sports without protective goggles, dust, and smoke can also cause dry eye symptoms.

How Can an Ophthalmologist Help?

Our ophthalmologist can fully examine the eye and determine the reason for your dry eye symptoms. Once our doctor understands why the condition is occurring, we can set out to correct the problem. In some cases, simple moisturizing drops are enough to alleviate the symptoms of dry eye. In more severe cases, it may be necessary to consult with an eye surgeon. An eye surgeon can help in cases where the tear duct may be malfunctioning or damaged. Surgery can be used to unclog or widen a tear duct, allowing tears to flow correctly to the eye. With an appropriately functioning tear duct, the eye will be properly lubricated and be able to move around in the eye socket free of pain.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Ophthalmologist in Bellaire, TX for Dry Eye Treatment

At Thyroid Eyes, we understand how painful dry eye can be. We are dedicated to providing our patients with the best eye care possible and will assess your condition to determine the best treatment for you. Call us today at (713) 550-7877 for more information or to schedule an appointment with our eye doctor.


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